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Scheherazade is the fourth daughter of Samarkand and a princess of Asfahan. Alongside her sisters, her identity as a princess is hidden from everyone outside of the palace.

In the events of Knight of Blood and Iron, Scheherazade was killed while protecting her father from rebels.


Scheherazade is a tall young woman with tan skin, sharp brown eyes, and long brown hair that she keeps braided behind her back. She has an athletic build with a thinner waist relative to her bust and hips. Her chest is noticeably larger in the Webtoon than in the novel. Scheherazade is most often seen with a neutral or displeased expression.

Her typical attire consists of fabric shoes that reach her knees, fabric covering her forearms, and an off-white dress with a low, wide collar, short sleeves, and gold lining. The skirt of the dress ends near her mid-thigh. Her accessories consist of a golden, three-ringed choker with three red gems on the front, and golden hooped earrings. She also wears a thin brown belt that holds the sheath of her scimitar against her lower back.


As the daughter of a sultan, Scheherazade carries herself with purpose and great pride. She does not take kindly to any sort of disrespect, even from those she is actively trying to appease, making her poor at controlling her actions and even poorer at controlling her facial expressions. She does not appear to hold much remorse over her actions, as she did not give any sort of apology to Lloyd Frontera and continued to comfortably speak with him not long after beating him up.

In spite of this pride, Scheherazade is prone to doubting herself, particularly when in comparison to others. She does not take her position lightly and is deeply aware of her duty to make her father proud, leading to a perpetual sense of inadequacy that has driven her to tears on multiple occasions.[2][3] In these situations, her first instinct is to leave the vicinity as quickly as possible, preventing others from seeing her cry. She is not one to wallow in her own pity for long and instead spends her time looking to improve herself through training. In part due to the sparse, if not absent approval given to her by her father, she is deeply touched by those who genuinely care for her and is not quite sure of how to react when they act as such.[4]



Scheherazade's relationship with her father, Samarkand, is strained under the weight of their nation's affairs. Due to her natural strength and talent for swordsmanship, he favors her the most out of the princesses and expects far more from her. Scheherazade, while loyal, is well aware of these standards and constantly lives with the knowledge and shame of not meeting them. She is somewhat envious of those with loving parents, such as the Fronteras, though does not hold any ill will against them for it and is instead resigned to her circumstances.

Julian Frontera[]

Julian is Scheherazade's husband, the two having found solace in one another due to the high expectations and reputations of their respective families. Scheherazade was initially endeared to him due to his kindness and encouragement, while Julian admires her strength and enjoys her company.



  1. Episode 103
  2. Episode 94
  3. Episode 101
  4. Episode 102

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